Monday, April 22, 2024

Early Bloomers this year

 Lots of blooming going on.  Crocuses are done, but plenty of squils, daffodils, bloodroot, bleeding heart, grape hyacinth, tulips, trout lilies, Darwin tulips, Virginia bluebells, etc.  Magnolia is just beginning.  

Sunday, October 11, 2020

Last late bloomers


Just blooming today, with only a few days left till probable major frost.  The Gloriosa daisy has actually been blooming for a few weeks, but it came up mid summer from nowhere.  I cut down all of the Stella D'oro Daylilies, but left a couple of tiny flower stalks just in case they might open up.  Two bloomed this morning.  

Cleomes are still blooming all over, but they are getting pretty tired and I think I'll pull some out this afternoon.  Time to clean up the deck anyway, and take in the things we want to keep over winter.  
The Clematis above is the latest bloom this plant has ever had.  It was completely finished with no buds in sight, when all of a sudden this one popped out and we kept our fingers crossed that it would open before frost.  It did!

We will really miss the Mandaville.  Was hard to find this kind this year.  Hope next spring is easier for finding plants. 

One last wild daisy along the pond is blooming.  They were profuse this spring as usual and then I cut them all back so we can walk through.   
The Dahlia above giving one last burst of red. Some of the leaves got a bit frosted, but not quite enough to dig and store yet.  Maybe next week.

Same with the Cannas.  Some leaves are frosted from last weekend, but this flower stalk just emerged.  I'll take it. 

Saturday, August 15, 2020

New bloomers and flyers

The hardy Amaryllis plants are blooming now. Hope they’re ok with the very dry soil. Can’t see them from the house or deck, so I stumbled upon them this morning on my garden walk. 

These are the most recent two monarchs to emerge and take to the sky. One more chrysalis just formed today from the hanging J caterpillar seen here, and I think there are three eggs on the sprigs below. If all are good that will be 17 for the year. Only half of last year’s total, but better than none. 

Friday, August 14, 2020

Another Poisonous Plant

 Where did it come from?  I don't think I planted it, and yet here it is.  It's a type of Datura or Devil's Trumpet.  Not poisonous to the touch like the Monkshood is, but not good to eat.  I wonder if someone left a seed here last year....

Early August (posted late)

Pictures here are from very early in August, but I haven't gotten around to finishing the post until now.  Oh well.  Still love having the record.

Bill's milkweed in midground

Hydrangeas on east side of house

Gooseneck Loostrife

Joe Pye Weed and milkweed plus around mailbox

Front garden in bloom

Hostas in tricorn garden

monarch drying in deck planter,
one of 3 released that day

Birch garden

The other two Monarchs drying in another planter

looking south in front yard

Deck from the evergreen garden

Zrbrinas and Coleus in corner planter going strong

Hostas under the first Spruce

Front of the veggie garden

Front walkway, not much use this year

Turks Cap Lily in gazebo garden

Front Birch garden near creek

Wild Strawberries are everywhere

Front driveway planter

I really love Liatris!

Saturday, July 18, 2020

Mid July Flowers

Beautiful Butterfly Weed

Monarda (Bee Balm) has returned with enthusiasm

Love this Hydrangea. Flowers turn pink as they age.

Purple Coneflowers are comin' on.

Shasta Daisies. Beautiful and more well behaved
than the wild daisies that bloom earlier.

Monday, July 6, 2020

July 5th Glory

Beautiful Asiatic Lily blooming just south of the pond

First hydrangea.  Don't remember what kind.  Along with a
Tiger Lily I can't seem to eliminate so...
Stella d'oro daylilies are short lived, but nice while
they last.

The "face pot" on the front porch needs water

Blooming sedums on the south end of the first berm

Tiger lilies where I tried to move them from next to
the hydrangea above.  I also dug these up several years
ago to move them again.  But they persist here too.

Red Monarda (Bee Balm) is lovely.  Almost lost it
all three years ago, but it's back with a vengeance

Queen of the Prairie not quite blooming yet

volunteer sunflower below the bird feeders

looking across the south side of the gazebo garden.
Joe Pie Weed, Queen of the Prairie, Cup Plant, Ninebark

Only one bloom this year, but it's worth it

Yucca hasn't bloomed for a couple years, but its
back this year too

Butterfly Weed.  Only have 5 Monarch chrysalises
so far this year.  Haven't found any more eggs or
caterpillars yet.  Something is eating/destroying a lot
of the swamp milkweed this year.

I've said before I don't love hosta flowers, but they
are pretty for a brief moment.  

Lots of common milkweed growing out near the
willow stump.  The stump is pretty rotten now, might
loose the pot on top soon.  Well, it's been 11 years, I guess
it's time.

So glad I keep the Rex Begonias over the winter.
They are so lovely on the front porch all summer.

Put the yellow Dahlias in the pot on last year's
Honeylocust stump.  Easier than the nearly rotten
Willow stump.  

Bird's Nest Fern in the front pot, along with stuff
I kept cuttings of all winter.  I think I've had the fern
for at least 12 or 13 years.  Keep it in the basement
over the winter.

Swamp Milkweed in Bill's garden

Hope we get Raspberries this year.  Last year was
a bust.