Monday, June 21, 2010

Summer Solstice

Amazing Spring.  Hot days.  Plenty of rain.  Things grew so fast.  Welcome to the Summer.  Hope the plentiful moisture continues, with perhaps less wind.  And it would be nice if the rabbits would not be quite as successful.  They have been eating everything, or at least biting into it enough to kill it.  I guess the good weather is good for everyone. 

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It has been nearly impossible to keep the grass cut to a reasonable length.  And everything is growing SO fast! 

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Monday, June 7, 2010

Iron Birds Rule

Bill has been pushing to find some “yard art” for a couple of years.  And I haven’t been so sure about the idea.  But last weekend we went out for a country drive with our good friends Tom and Bea, and found “Digger Dan’s” place.  We knew about him through Katie and Webb, and Bill has been wanting to go there for awhile. 

June10 048When we first looked at the display in the yard I was un-impressed.  But, as with much art, you have to look for awhile, and let your eyes and your mind settle around what you are seeing.  There was just so much there!  And, although Dan was not home, his lovely wife was, and I was enormously impressed with her gracious hospitality.   This was Memorial Day weekend, and we were intruders in her lovely yard and garden.  Yet she was welcoming and friendly, and made us feel welcome. 

After a half hour or so of the four of us walking around and looking at things, Bill and I both noticed a June10 050couple of large iron birds.  They were, all of a sudden, totally different from all of the other pieces, and exactly what we wanted.  We asked a price for one, and then asked if we could buy two at that price.  She wasn’t sure if he would be willing to part with both.  We gave her the price of one, and a card with our name and phone, etc. saying that we’d make contact the next week to finalize and pick up one (or two) birds.  Since Bill loved one of them, and I loved another, it was important to have them both. 

Two days later, Bill went back and was able to buy and pick up both birds.  They look great in our front yard, even if they are hard to photograph with enough contrast to show them off.  You’ll have to come over some time to see them.