Monday, February 27, 2012

Next to Emerge…

tulipSome hybrid tulips on the South side of the house. 


amaryllisAnd also the hardy Amaryllis. 






Oh, and the onions harvested from the garden last fall may not last much longer either, even though I’ve been keeping them in the basement right next to a wall.  Really wish I had a better root cellar. 

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Sunday, February 19, 2012

Allium is First Again

DSCN3771The first sprout of the spring was visible today, perhaps the earliest in some time.  Not a flower yet for sure, but a sign that some things at least have made it through this unusual winter. 







Actually, there have been shoots of various things visible for much of the winter – the chrysanthemums, some of the sedums, some of Bill’s favorite columbines – all establish some shoots at the end of the season that stay just above the ground for the winter.  With the snowless winter we’ve had, they have been exposed to much freezing and thawing, and I hope they are all OK.