Saturday, August 15, 2020

New bloomers and flyers

The hardy Amaryllis plants are blooming now. Hope they’re ok with the very dry soil. Can’t see them from the house or deck, so I stumbled upon them this morning on my garden walk. 

These are the most recent two monarchs to emerge and take to the sky. One more chrysalis just formed today from the hanging J caterpillar seen here, and I think there are three eggs on the sprigs below. If all are good that will be 17 for the year. Only half of last year’s total, but better than none. 

Friday, August 14, 2020

Another Poisonous Plant

 Where did it come from?  I don't think I planted it, and yet here it is.  It's a type of Datura or Devil's Trumpet.  Not poisonous to the touch like the Monkshood is, but not good to eat.  I wonder if someone left a seed here last year....

Early August (posted late)

Pictures here are from very early in August, but I haven't gotten around to finishing the post until now.  Oh well.  Still love having the record.

Bill's milkweed in midground

Hydrangeas on east side of house

Gooseneck Loostrife

Joe Pye Weed and milkweed plus around mailbox

Front garden in bloom

Hostas in tricorn garden

monarch drying in deck planter,
one of 3 released that day

Birch garden

The other two Monarchs drying in another planter

looking south in front yard

Deck from the evergreen garden

Zrbrinas and Coleus in corner planter going strong

Hostas under the first Spruce

Front of the veggie garden

Front walkway, not much use this year

Turks Cap Lily in gazebo garden

Front Birch garden near creek

Wild Strawberries are everywhere

Front driveway planter

I really love Liatris!