Friday, January 11, 2008


It didn't snow as much last night as we were warned it might. But enough to leave a brand new tableaux - a clean slate. I like to think that one of the best things about the Sunnyview Garden is its "bones" - the major trees and shrubs that form the structure of the beds and the shapes of the rooms. It is at times like this, after a gentle snow, that the bones are most evident. Every branch and stem is highlighted, but the basic shapes are not altered by heavy loads. The footprints have been wiped clean and everything is fresh and new.

We had almost lost all of the snow by yesterday, just a few piles and drifts remained. Everything was dirty and ugly, though the birds were able to find plenty to eat and haven't been depleting the feeders quite so much. The freezing and thawing has done terrible things to the roadways and city streets, so I do shutter a bit to think how the perennial roots are doing. The new snow will help.

Now that it is a little colder the outside lighting is working again, and not blowing fuses every day. We can plug in the birdbath again. It's also getting closer to being light enough in the morning to take a photo before I have to leave for work. Nice to see the sun coming back.

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