Sunday, July 20, 2008

Catching Up

One of the biggest problems with writing a garden blog is that it is just really hard to get to writing when the garden is in full bloom. The days are so long, and there is so much to do, both in the garden and otherwise, that its difficult to find the time to write about what's going on. But here is a catch up attempt for the happenings of the last week.


The gooseneck loosestrife is about as nice as it gets right now. It is a very dramatic plant at the right time and in the right place. I don't think mine is in the right place, it is really not very noticeable where it is along the east side of the yard. This spring I used a well placed spray of Round-Up on the periphery of this clump, and I think that will be needed every year from now on. It is not as invasive as its cousin purple loosestrife, but it does have a robustness about it.

Just after deciding it should be noted in the blog, I was taking a look 016at the creek and couldn't get a good view anywhere except from atop the culvert. I looked down and found, much to my surprise and dismay, a purple loosestrife plant growing heartily just beneath the east opening. It wasn't "quite" in my yard, but I just couldn't let it be. Despite being tired, hot and ready for some cool lemonade and a chair in the shade, I called Bill and together we cut and dug and bagged the beast. I really hope we don't have to be fighting this invasive along with the buckthorn for the rest of our time here.

011This weekend could be defined as the start of the Raspberry season. We had Mike and Mary over for dinner after a nice bike ride on Saturday, and the berries made a wonderful dessert over a little french vanilla ice cream. We will eat them daily until they are done, which won't be long enough for either of us.

I also brought in the first tomato of the season today - pretty early really. Didn't eat it yet, but can hardly wait. Dinner changed from leftovers to a stir fry when it became clear that the broccoli was in significant need of cutting. Can't let fresh broccoli go without cutting or the plants will stop producing, and there is no point in just putting it in the fridge. Gotta eat it. So we did.

The Purple Coneflowers came into full bloom this week. Last week I struggled to find a couple to put into the 020bouquet of flowers I bring to work each Monday, and this week they were abundant. They are so beautiful when they are new - fresh and young with the cone on top still bright and small. It will elongate and harden over the next several weeks, though the plants will still be attractive for awhile. All of the prairie natives are maturing now, though the gloriosa daisies are still the garden stars.

We had two inches of rain over the last week, quite something for mid July. It really is nice to have a year of enough rain for a change. I hardly know what to do. Things grow so well that there is no need to walk around with the hose, but cutting plants back is more necessary than usual. Had to tie up the saving grace 012Tamarisk, and cut back the lower branches of the Magnolia today. It was so hot that it was difficult to be outside working for more than a couple of hours.

The little black cat is closer to becoming a part of the family. Kate and Cleo may not be entirely sold on the idea, but Grace has been living in the upstairs bathroom for the last several days. The vet gave her a clean bill of health, but she is older than we thought - at least a year, maybe more. Integration will be a long process.

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