Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Ducks, Hawks, and new Sprouts

The snow is receding from any thermal retentive surfaces, and the sun is stronger and stronger.  There is an almost 3 foot wide open spring10 003space along the south side of the house for Kate to explore, and it expands outward in a few places under trees.  She is in heaven, but she is sharing the space with another cat, a visitor who appears to be well cared for but who has been around for several days.  We see  tracks all around the neighborhood that are clearly cat tracks, and we have seen the butterscotch tabby itself almost every evening for awhile.  It runs when we open the door, so we haven't been able to check for a collar or an ID tag.  Hope it finds its way home soon.

spring10 001 Today was the first day I actually found things growing outside, Though I'd not be surprised if I've missed a few things lately.  Because of my surgery, I haven't felt safe walking around out in the snow, so I haven't gotten out to the far reaches of the yard.  But near the deck today I found the first allium sprout, a couple of mushrooms, and the first growth of the hardy amaryllis. 

We've been seeing ducks in the creek, at least two males and one female, maybe more (I find it spring10 002hard to recognize ducks as individuals...)  The Cardinals and Chickadees still dominate the bird feeders.  My neighbors said there was a flock of robins in one of our trees two weeks ago.  I didn't see them, so I can't count them.  Waiting for my first of the spring.  Should be any day now I think.   

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