Thursday, March 20, 2008

Mysterious Garden Inhabitants

To me, one of the most interesting things in this yard has been the frequent appearance of a fungus that I originally thought was very unusual, but which has come to be amazingly common, at least here. I had heard about it prior to moving here, but never seen it. Maybe because it is so small, and so easy to overlook. But even though I've seen it here many times before, I've never noticed it so early in the year. Indeed, it is appearing just as the snow clears away from a patch of ground.

It does seem to be associated with the wood chips that we use as mulch thoughout the yard. I've seen it in many different locations. Called Birds Nest Fungi, members of the order Nidulariales are often "seen on decaying wood and in soils enriched with wood chips or bark mulch" according to Wikipedia. Our species is most likely Cyathus striatus

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Found your blog by clicking "next blog", saying hello. I've never seen anything like that, or heard of it. How interesting.