Saturday, June 7, 2008

Early June, Finishing Up

Well, my predictions of finishing all the planting last weekend didn't quite come to fruition. And of course, it is impossible for me to stop buying new things this early in the season. So, there was plenty to do today. I decided to put the elephant ear in the new deck planter. As I dug it up to transplant it from the flat it was growing in to the planter, I was surprised to find out that I had planted it upside down. I just don't have a good sense of how to handle the bulbs/rhizomes/tubers/?? of this plant. I'll have to study up on it. Despite being oriented incorrectly, they were growing pretty well, so I think they'll take off once the hot weather comes. Had a couple left over, so I planted up a pot full of them to move to a blank spot later on.

I threw away the agave plant that I've had for many years, having brought it home from Arizona. I think it was from the yard of the old man across the street from Mom & Dad's first house there. But its really meant to get much larger than I can afford to let it, and so it never looked good in that pot. I saved the single crown of a Queen Victoria agave, which is smaller and more well behaved. We'll see how that goes alone.

Planted allysum under the red cannas, put the two seedlings of 4 o'clocks in that bed also. 6 plants of Sundial Fuchsia moss roses in various cracks under the gazebo. I had a flat of marigolds that I couldn't find a place for, and finally put them under the correopsis among the ageratum. Added an eggplant to the vegetable garden, and also plunked in a single cleome seedling that had been among the elephant ears. Shopping at Steins this morning I found some beautiful hardy mum plants that were of sale for a pretty good price. So I bought 8 of them and put 6 into the tricorn garden in front. I hope they really are hardy.
Put the Sago palm that I've had for many years out onto the front porch to get it used to being outside. Usually I do that earlier in the year, but this year it was actually making new leaves during May and I didn't want to risk it. It looks pretty on the front porch, with the heuchera in full glory, new leaves still vibrant and young, but fully grown

Looking for rain as I write this. We had an inch this week, but then a hot dry very windy day yesterday took it all out. There are storms around, but so far nothing except enough to make it hard to sit out on the deck.

Also blooming this week: the wild viburnum in the woods are beautiful. Anenomie Canadensis, Japanese Lilac, astilbe that didn't get "frosted", Iris, Wiegalia, hosta in front, shorter larger allium near pond, beautiful columbines - many colors, all over in full bloom.

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