Monday, November 24, 2008

The Difference of the Day

fall 005 Well, good thing we were ready. Overnight snow amounted to a couple of inches, and this may be thefall 004 end of yard work for the season. Bill did think ahead and bring down the snow shovels over the weekend, so he was ready to clear our drive and also the neighbor's. The first snow is, of course, lovely. But, I could learn to live without it.

I'm glad I snapped one photo of the planter with its holiday display before the snow fell. It will be fine, though the dyed red accent decoration may run and fade even if this melts quickly.

Also, one more of the gargoyle as he watches over the frozen pond. Seems so lonely at this time of the year. Nice to know that four fish have been saved in the aquarium in the basement.

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