Sunday, December 14, 2008

Change is a Comin'

Bill Camera 025 It is 42 degrees out right now, and rain is falling.  The snow, which had covered everything and was weighing down the evergreens already, has receded significantly.  I did go out today to get it off of things that were being badly bent by the weight.  Just wanted to make sure that it was gone before the massive drop in temperatures that is predicted for tonight.  The prediction is for a low of single digits tonight, and a high of single digits tomorrow.  That will surely freeze in place everything the way it is tonight, and many things will be stuck to the ground or whatever surface they are touching.  I've been trying to make sure that nothing is caught in a bad position, which could well last for the rest of the winter.  Or we could hope for a January thaw.

Photo at left is  one Bill took with his faster speed camera the on Friday evening before the warm front came in.  The snow was blanketing everything, and it was COLD.  On Saturday, later in the day, it warmed up, and things started melting.  Tonight it is wet, and raining. 

The snow has probably been reduced by half, and what is left will turn into a hard, dense layer at the bottom of the pile that will last for the rest of the winter.  I spent a bit of the afternoon today walking the path to the compost pile so that it would be level and not a bunch of holes that would be tripping us up for the rest of the winter.  We have had so much light, fluffy snow so far, and the temps had been so cold.  Now everything is compacted, and plants are exposed a bit more, and I hope I've been able to get the heavy weight off of the plants that could be damaged by it.  Time will tell. 

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