Monday, March 9, 2009

Yet Another Snow

It snowed another 6 or 7 inches yesterday. Some winter wonderland views I can go another year without seeing again. It does melt between, the sun is strong. Another "wintry mix" is expected tonight. I am tired of it.

But the birds know that Spring is very close. I'm hearing Cardinals singing "What Cheer!" and proclaiming "Cheer! Cheer! Cheer!" from the treetops. The neighborhood is filled with them declaring their territory. Most of the winter we've had several males, and a couple of females around our feeders. Now everyone seems to be spreading out and claiming their own space.

The flock of mixed finches is still around, and the Juncos haven't left yet. I will miss the Juncos of course, but their leaving is another Spring sign.

The cacti in the basement are putting out flower buds, so I've begun to give them a little water. This may be the week to take the canna boxes out and inspect the roots after the winter. It is time to begin bringing things out of dormancy. The Rex Begonias in the light gardens are doing well, but will need to be pruned and cleaned up, and then hardened off before being put out for the summer. There are also several Geraniums from cuttings last fall that will need to be transitioned to outdoors. After all the work it took to bring them in and overwinter them, I would hate to loose them at this point.

Last fall I was more ruthless than usual with things. And a few have died over the winter even though I did take them in. But at this point in the year I want to preserve all of the botanical stock I have and hope to find a place for it to thrive over the summer.

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