Friday, September 11, 2009

Signature Plant

I consider the Jack-in-the-Pulpit (Arisaema triphyllum) to be the signature plant of this yard.  I Jack in the Pulpit 001brought over a few corms in the freezer the winter we came here.  The corms came from young plants I had grown from seeds given to me by our friend Tim the year before.  I had little hope that they would thrive, but I underestimated them.  I put a few in the ground here and there along the creek, a few next to the house.  In the years to follow they have spread to almost every corner of the garden.  Sun, shade, alone or in large clumps, they come up everywhere.  Jack in the Pulpit 003

When I want them to be somewhere new, I just have to wait until the fruits turn red in the early fall and then put a bundle of seeds where I want plants the next year.  It almost always works, and I have new “Jacks” the next spring.  This year I have moved some from near the bench at creekside out to the hosta garden we started under the birch tree in back.  Check back next spring to see if it works.

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