Monday, February 22, 2010

Signs of Spring are Adding Up

spring10 004

The sun is stronger, usually melting any light snow in a few hours.  And the days are surely longer.  The light is brighter, even when it is cloudy.  The birdsong is sprightlier, the “cheer” of the Cardinals is beginning to predominate.  I swear there are buds beginning to swell on some trees.  The roads are clear by mid-morning, even without the plows coming through. 

I’ll bet, if I could get over to the place, that I’d find a few alliums beginning to poke through the soil beneath the snow.  And, because the snow has melted along a strip in the South and East sides of the house,  Kate is finding her way around the southeast corner of the house and all the way to the other end of the east side.  Her world has expanded.  We saw her gazing longingly at the creek today, though the snow is still keeping her from attempting to get there. 

My orchids are all putting forth flower stalks, and even the 20 year old hoya that has never bloomed is setting buds.  (that last could be related to my having moved it into a bright south window after years of keeping it against a wall on the other side of the room.) 

It’s time to start propagating the geranium cuttings hanging in the basement, and soon to take out the cannas and assess their winter survival.

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