Sunday, March 27, 2011

Waiting for Spring…. Still

iphonepixafterwin7upgrade 428It seems to me as though time has been suspended.  Last Tuesday/Wednesday the huge snowstorm came.  Then it got cold, very cold.  Each night the temps go below 10 degrees and things freeze up totally.  I guess that the snow is good to protect things from that.  But I AM TIRED of IT!  It is time to see the yard again.  The first photo here is one of the evergreen we call “Charlie Brown”.  It is usually just a nice looking, slow growing, minimal shade producing  focal point for the yard.  This morning we took a photo of it as “Start Spreadin’ the News!”.  The difference between one side and the other, created by the melting action of the sun relieving one side of weight but not the other,  reminded us so much of a dancer in a musical. 

So we wait to get out into the yard again.  Maybe next week. 


For now the birds are going crazy outside, consuming seeds from our feeders at an amazing rate.  And they are courting as though it were warm and nice outside.  I saw a robin so swollen with eggs that I hope she can make it til it warms.  And even the Juncos are sparring with each other in ways that are unusual here, they usually mate farther north, after leaving us for cooler places. 


I did decide to take pictures of all of the flowers that are blooming inside of the house.  There are quite a few, give that the increasing light this time of year pushes everything to make flowers, as long as the temperatures are accommodating.  So, just for fun, here are the things that are blooming in my house today:

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