Thursday, March 8, 2012

More Firsts

spring 2012 002The first flower bloomed in the yard today.  It will be quite a challenge to ensure now that there is always something in bloom until next winter.  I can’t find many other things close, but there are many more of the snowdrops to come, so perhaps others will catch up. 

There have been robins in the yard for a week or so, and the cardinals are singing spring songs.  Juncos are still here, but I bet spring 2012 006that won’t last long.  Many flocks of geese going North, and some ducks are sizing up the creek for nesting spots.  Still waiting to hear a redwing blackbird, though others have said they are around.spring 2012 005

The pond is now completely thawed, and the fish seem happy for the ability to swim around more.  It seems they have made it through the winter quite well. 


Yesterday the temperature approached 60 degrees, with more warm temps headed our way.  Today is lower, around 40, but much nicer because the wind is diminished and the sun is out. 

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