deck is almost cleared |
Nice sunshine, late phlox almost done |
pretty walkway, blooming dahlias |
sedums under bedroom window |
pretty clear |
Love the late hostas |
missing the honey locust, but nice view of the Ginko |
Willow pot area |
Notes on the progress of a garden on the banks of an unnamed tributary of Mud Creek
deck is almost cleared |
Nice sunshine, late phlox almost done |
pretty walkway, blooming dahlias |
sedums under bedroom window |
pretty clear |
Love the late hostas |
missing the honey locust, but nice view of the Ginko |
Willow pot area |
Looking South along first berm |
Love the Yuccas. No blooms this year though |
Cleomes by the deck |
South side of the gazebo |
looking toward veggie garden from behind Yuccas |
Sedum and hardy Hibiscus |
Turtlehead starting - they're in full bloom now |
Hostas, Phlox, Sedum etc. |
Unbelievable growth of the sweet potato vines this year. Cannas blooming and Mandiville behind. |
Harry Lauter's Walking Stick very nice this year. |
Nice pot on the driveway of many types of Zebrina |
Coneflowers & willow pot with Dahlias |
Hummingbirds love Monk's Hood |
Red Phlox and Goldenrod |
Small red Dahlias on maple stump |
Library Honey Locust about to be pruned |
For future reference. Will be different tomorrow |
Honey Locust in front yard is badly split. Tomorrow it will be cut down entirely |
And another |
Pond, milkweed, hostas, etc. |
Gazebo garden under library tree before cutting |
Front of veggie garden |
A favorite hosta in full glory |
East side of Gazebo garden with Charlie Brown |
Love the Turk's Cap lilies |
Cleome in front of deck are really small this year |
Missed this lily in it's glory. Almost done now |
Front walkway |
More happy Zebrinas and geranium cuttings |
Yucca on 1st berm |
pond and milkweed area |
Gooseneck Loostrife |
Harry Laughter's Walking Stick and Goosenecck Loostrife |
More Delphinium, and the first Purple Coneflowers. Shasta daisies in background |
Common Milkweed and Delphinium, with Gloriosa Daisy just starting |
Love the Asiatic Lilies |
Evening primrose is pretty for a week or so |
Front door |
Cardinal Flowers just beginning. Cattails have formed |
Love Astilbe, missed the Clematic behind them |
Fireweed I think |
I planted the tiger lilies behind the garden when the area was just a weedy field. Now the neighbor's yard, but they leave them up. |
Pretty Astilbe behind the Birch, Delphinium to the side |
First Cleome of the season. A volunteer in the compost bin. |
Number Twelve is off |
Moved this Coreopsis this spring from a place it had been for 3 years without blooming. Likes it better here I guess |
Stella D'Oro lilies in robust bloom |
Monarda is back! |
Sneaky Daylily in the woods |
Red Dahlias on the wingwall |