Sunday, October 20, 2019

Another Beautiful Fall Day

Probably the nicest warm sunny day until next spring. Most of the gardens are as cleaned up as they will be until spring. Pulled most of the water lily leaves out of the pond.

deck is almost cleared

Nice sunshine, late phlox almost done

pretty walkway, blooming dahlias

sedums under bedroom window

pretty clear

Love the late hostas

missing the honey locust, but nice view of the Ginko

Willow pot area

Thursday, October 3, 2019

October Blooms

Didn’t really expect the cactus to bloom this late. I guess they think it’s spring. 
Also picked some new shoots of asparagus that have popped up late with all the rain we’ve had. They likely wouldn’t have lasted long anyway. All the other full size plants are still green and happy. 

Sunday, September 15, 2019

September Beauty

Looking South along first berm

Love the Yuccas.  No blooms this year though
These were actually taken more than a week ago, before the big rains.
Cleomes by the deck

South side of the gazebo

looking toward veggie garden from behind Yuccas

Sedum and hardy Hibiscus

Turtlehead starting - they're in full bloom now
Hostas, Phlox, Sedum etc.

Unbelievable growth of the sweet potato vines this year.
Cannas blooming and Mandiville behind.

Harry Lauter's Walking Stick very nice this year.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Today’s Harvest

Time to think about canning a few tomatoes. 

Yellow sweet Spanish and Red onions. 

Pretty good potato harvest and a little treat for the cats. 

Sunday, August 11, 2019

August Beauty Before the Trees Are Trimmed

Nice pot on the driveway of  many types of Zebrina
Coneflowers & willow pot with Dahlias

Hummingbirds love Monk's Hood
Red Phlox and Goldenrod

Small red Dahlias on maple stump

Library Honey Locust about to be pruned
For future reference.  Will be different tomorrow
Honey Locust in front yard is badly split.  Tomorrow it
will be cut down entirely

For future reference.  No tree after tomorrow
Another view

And another
Pond, milkweed, hostas, etc.
Gazebo garden under library tree before cutting

Front of veggie garden
A favorite hosta in full glory
East side of Gazebo garden with Charlie Brown

Love the Turk's Cap lilies 
Cleome in front of deck are really small this year
Missed this lily in it's glory.  Almost done now

Front walkway
More happy Zebrinas and geranium cuttings

Yucca on 1st berm
pond and milkweed area

Gooseneck Loostrife
Harry Laughter's Walking Stick and Goosenecck Loostrife

Monday, July 8, 2019

Flowers and butterflies Abundant

We just released the 12th monarch butterfly today, with many more on the way. Plenty of flowers around for them to enjoy, and lots of milkweeds to lay eggs on. Here’s some of what’s blooming.
More Delphinium, and the first Purple Coneflowers.
Shasta daisies in background

Common Milkweed and Delphinium, with
Gloriosa Daisy just starting

Love the Asiatic Lilies

Evening primrose is pretty for a week or so

Front door

Cardinal Flowers just beginning. Cattails have formed

Love Astilbe, missed the Clematic behind them

Fireweed I think

I planted the tiger lilies behind the garden when
the area was just a weedy field.  Now the
neighbor's yard, but they leave them up.

Pretty Astilbe behind the Birch, Delphinium to
the side

First Cleome of the season.  A volunteer in the
compost bin.

Number Twelve is off

Moved this Coreopsis this spring from a place it had
been for 3 years without blooming.  Likes it
better here I guess

Stella D'Oro lilies in robust bloom

Monarda is back!

Sneaky Daylily in the woods

Red Dahlias on the wingwall