Sunday, August 11, 2019

August Beauty Before the Trees Are Trimmed

Nice pot on the driveway of  many types of Zebrina
Coneflowers & willow pot with Dahlias

Hummingbirds love Monk's Hood
Red Phlox and Goldenrod

Small red Dahlias on maple stump

Library Honey Locust about to be pruned
For future reference.  Will be different tomorrow
Honey Locust in front yard is badly split.  Tomorrow it
will be cut down entirely

For future reference.  No tree after tomorrow
Another view

And another
Pond, milkweed, hostas, etc.
Gazebo garden under library tree before cutting

Front of veggie garden
A favorite hosta in full glory
East side of Gazebo garden with Charlie Brown

Love the Turk's Cap lilies 
Cleome in front of deck are really small this year
Missed this lily in it's glory.  Almost done now

Front walkway
More happy Zebrinas and geranium cuttings

Yucca on 1st berm
pond and milkweed area

Gooseneck Loostrife
Harry Laughter's Walking Stick and Goosenecck Loostrife

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