Monday, April 22, 2019

Hard Working Weekend

In the last couple of days we hauled all of the plants from the basement up to the greenhouse or front porch and put them into protectable places with various covers available for sun protection and frost protection.  Bill hauled a ten more loads of wood chips, and I spread most of them out. Hundreds more bloodroot plants, squills, daffodils and crocuses are blooming. Also a new batch of Chionodoxa, Glory of the Snow just jumped up in bloom.

They’re a lot like squills, but not the same. Apparently some dispute the separation, but to me they seem very different.

Today we drove down to Fernau’s greenhouse where we were able to buy yellow sweet Spanish onions, red onions and Kenebec potatoes. Planted all the onions today. I start with plants, not sets. Reminds me of my grandfather when I plant them because he taught me how many years ago.

Also dug up and gave away some rhubarb that was more than we needed.

Hostas are starting to emerge, as are coneflowers, turtlehead, queen of the prairie, monarda, many others. Gotta get that mulch down soon.
After hauling 10 loads of mulch and helping me bring up the basement plants Bill hadn’t had enough, so he sifted the top foot of last year’s compost pile. Put it on this year’s  onion garden first, then around the other raised beds.

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