Sunday, June 30, 2019

Garden Walk!

The Outagamie County Master Gardeners' Garden Walk was on June 22nd.   It was pretty crowded early, not as much later on.  All in all we had a few more than 300 people tour the garden.
This is pretty much how it looked most of
the day. 
Wild Ones had a booth

And Steve's Leaves
And of course the Master Gardeners handled ticket
sales and directions for visitors

Image may contain: plant, sky, flower and outdoor
The day after the walk this cactus decided to
bloom.  Would have been nice if it had done it

Saturday, June 29, 2019

Heat Brings it On!

Astilbes and Clematis
Pretty Hostas and lots of blooms coming up behind

Red, White and Blue

Pretty flowers behind the Harry Lauter
One week past.  So glad we did it.  So glad it's over

Monday, June 17, 2019

Beautiful Day and Warmer

First Water Lily bloom

First Stella D’Oro day lily blooming

Amazing Poppies blooming

Saturday, June 15, 2019

Just in Case the Blooms are gone Next Week

Pink Columbine under the birdfeeders

Beautiful pink irises just starting

Yellow Iris and pretty Japanese Iris

Not blooming, but I do love the new location
of the Praying Hands Hosta.  Much more visible
than where we had it before.

Again, not blooming, but blooming beautiful

I hope the Poppies are still blooming next week

Milkweeds are up all over.  We have Swamp, Butterfly
Weed, and Common.  I've found and sheltered about
8 Monarch caterpillars so far this year.  They're pretty small
but I hope they survive. 

Peonies just outside the garage door seem to be
on track for looking special next week.

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Another Rainy Day

Can't get out to work much today, but we can still get out and buy a few more plants.  Butterfly weed is on sale this week at Stein's.  Have lots, but there's always room for more. 
Looking forward to more Monarchs in the area this year.  We had tons last year.  

Sunday, June 9, 2019

Blooming in the Rain

One little Japanese iris among the daisies.
Don’t worry, there are tons more coming 

Volunteer chives in he veggie garden.  Amazed that some
People find chives hard to grow. Tomatoes
are blooming. 

Finally the aguga along the east side are
Spreading and blooming

Up towards the front. Lilacs and pagoda dogwood 

Irises are blooming

These are my favorite aliums.  Much better
behaved than the others.

Bill does love columbine.  They are everywhere
for now...

Pretty yellow iris and blooming sedum

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First bloom from the Clematis 'Jackmanii'

the Spiderwort is beautiful for a brief moment.
Hope it stays in bloom for the walk.

Thursday, June 6, 2019

Whew! What a Week for Growth

Beautiful Hostas everywhere.  Poppies getting
ready to bloom right behind them.

Lots of milkweed plants, common, swamp, and
butterfly weed.  Good thing, 'cause the monarchs
are here and laying.

sedums  have taken over the south end of the
first berm successfully 

Bill's Columbine still raging on.

White irises happy in the evergreen gardden

Pond is filling up with lillies, 

the pretty small flowers are Anenome canadensis

Of course the Lamb's Ear is spreading everywhere
And Bill's garden is looking great.

Bill did an amazing job putting in these stones
at the front of the Coneflower garden.

Heucheras filling in beautifully at the front walk

Japanese Lilacs blooming beautifully
And of course the Daisies.  Right outside of the
atruim window