Thursday, June 6, 2019

Whew! What a Week for Growth

Beautiful Hostas everywhere.  Poppies getting
ready to bloom right behind them.

Lots of milkweed plants, common, swamp, and
butterfly weed.  Good thing, 'cause the monarchs
are here and laying.

sedums  have taken over the south end of the
first berm successfully 

Bill's Columbine still raging on.

White irises happy in the evergreen gardden

Pond is filling up with lillies, 

the pretty small flowers are Anenome canadensis

Of course the Lamb's Ear is spreading everywhere
And Bill's garden is looking great.

Bill did an amazing job putting in these stones
at the front of the Coneflower garden.

Heucheras filling in beautifully at the front walk

Japanese Lilacs blooming beautifully
And of course the Daisies.  Right outside of the
atruim window

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