Sunday, February 24, 2008

Snow Day

We spent most of yesterday, and probably will spend a couple of more hours this afternoon, cleaning up after last week's snow and ice storm. The roof of our house and those of many of the neighbors have become dangerously heavy with snow, and if we don't clear off at least some areas we will have terrible ice dams. So Bill spent a couple of hours tied to the chimney shoveling the roof. And I spent much of that time chipping away at the inch or so if ice on the driveway and front walk. Then we both had to dig away the piles sent down from above, compacted and heavy as they were it wasn't easy.

Also went out and took a few pictures. There is certainly beauty to be found still, but it is really getting tired. Looking foward to Phoenix next week, and hope that by the time we get back there will be significantly less snow in the yard.

There are many fewer birds at the feeders lately. We fear that we've lost quite a few to the extreme weather. But a pair of sparrows is all over the neighbor's little birdhouse lately, and it is noticably brighter day by day. While we were chipping away the ice dam over the front porch we heard and then saw the first robin of the year. Spring is almost certainly on the way.

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