Sunday, February 10, 2008

Winter's Toll

Back what seems like forever ago, for the first post to this blog, I cut some sprigs of rosemary and sage knowing that the plants that seemed to be thriving would be taken by the cold and snow. rosemary in particular seems so hearty and strong that I have a hard time cutting it down in the late fall and believing that it will succumb. But it has - as this photo shows. The rosemary is brittle and brown, the sage is also, and the tarragon behind is totally dried up. Sage and tarragon will spring back once the weather warms - the tarragon from the ground and the sage from buds all along the seemingly dead stems. But the rosemary has never survived the winter in my yard and I will likely have to buy another plant for next year.

Once I tried to dig up and bring a rosemary plant in for the winter. But it wasn't fond of the dry indoor air either, and by January it had become scraggly and was infested with whiteflies. So each spring I invest in a new plant. And all winter I have to do with dried leaves from the previous summer to season our food.

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