Wednesday, January 30, 2008

A Long Slide in Just One Day

Yesterday at this time it was over 40 degrees, and the biggest problem we had was controlling the melting from the roof on the north side to try to keep the porch clear of ice and icicles. Nancy delivered Dad here around noon in order to get on the road quickly for her drive back to Chicago. A big storm was due. Supposed to be the worst day of the winter so far. Sure didn't seem like it.

Well, this morning it is 20 degrees below zero, with 2 or 3 inches of new snow blowing around in little swirls. I think we lucked out on the snow, most of the precipitation fell as rain or sleet before it got cold enough for snow. But it looks like winter is back with a vengence, after just a two day warm-up. At least it got the snow off the shrubs, and lowered the piles at the side of the driveway a bit so it will be easier to shovel today.

Before the melt and freeze, last weekend when the yard was still blanketed with clean white snow over a foot deep, I snapped a shot of one of the friendly squirrels who steal seeds from our birdfeeders. And also the evidence of their route from the creekside willow in to the gazebo and then over to the seeds.

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