Friday, January 18, 2008

Winter Morning Sounds

I try to step outside onto the deck every morning, shortly before 7 AM to see what I can see, and hear what I can hear. It's an interesting benchmark, the changing of the seasons is clear at that time of day. the lengthening of the days at this time of year is noticable, it is a little lighter each day.

This morning, it was colder than it has been in quite some time. We had another snow yesterday and I am tired of taking pictures of my yard buried beneath new snow. Last night the temps dropped from the mid twenties in the late afternoon to about 10 degrees by 6 PM, and below zero overnight. It was blustery and dangerous to be out, and we were grateful to find that our neighbor with a snow blower had cleared out the driveway before we got home.

This morning I went outside and the cats chose not to even ask to follow. One sniff of the cold air and they turned back to their cozy beds. I stood out on the deck, but didn't go far. It was light and still and cold. There weren't many birds venturing out yet, though they have been showing up at the feeders around quarter to seven lately. Not today. I heard one finch somewhere in the distance, but saw none. In the crisp cold air, sounds travel farther I think. I could hear traffic and snowplows that I couldn't see. And a new sound, a soft click,click,click.. It took a little while to realize that I was hearing the turning of the vanes in the small windmill that is in the south corner of the neighbor's yard. I have not heard that sound before - it is likely drowned out by the birds. Anyway, two steps from the door for about a minute and a half was all I could take today. Spring is far away, I find myself longing for 30 degree weather.

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