Saturday, March 15, 2008

Clear signs of Spring are starting to be seen

A walk around the yard today proved that spring really is coming. It wasn't easy to walk, as the snow is unpredictably hard and soft. One footstep stays on the top of the foot or so still on the yard, and the next breaks through and sinks down to the frozen ground. It was slow going and I had to be careful to keep my balance. But it is worth it to find the sprouts and see the birds.

The robins are plentiful now, I can see or hear one pretty much any time I go out. Just before we left for Phoenix I remember seeing the first and thinking it a fluke.

And many things are beginning to grow, expecially near the south side of the house. Here are pictures of some new tulips, a sprout of the new delphinium that I am very excited has survived the winter, the allium that always comes up early and the hardy amaryllis that is also always among the first.


Marooned said...

I just typed that I was waiting to see a robin and then your blog was the next one to mine! Hope the birds find us in western Canada. We were unable to get to Arizona, due to health problems so look forward to getting there, maybe next year. Do you golf?

Oreste said...

E' vero, la primavera è alle porte ma è ancora presto. Ciao Barbara, un bacio Oreste