Monday, July 21, 2008

Rain Rain Go Away!

Enough is enough already. We had an inch of rain last Wednesday, another inch or so on Saturday, and tonight another 3/4 inches fell in about 1/2 hour. That is enough for now. I realize we are lucky. For the last several years we've had drought at this time of year. And it is nice not to have to water things around the yard. But it is amazing to see how high the creek is for July, and how soft the ground is, and how well the weeds are growing.

After the brief downfall this evening I took the opportunity to do a rough weeding of the vegetable garden. Got pretty muddy, but also was able to pull up some of the really big ones that seem to have grown up overnight. There are a couple of weeds that are dogging me in the gardens this year. One called Sowthistle just won't give up. And then there is the constant nagging presence of oxalis, of which is it said: "bloom once, weed for seven". I try so hard to keep any plants from blooming and setting seed. But one or more inevitably manages to make it to maturity and sets seeds that will emerge for years to come.

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