Thursday, August 7, 2008

Statewide Clear Skies but...

Driving home from Fort Atkinson today, the skies were mainly clear for as far as we could see. We took the back roads home from Ixonia, where we visited a garden center that may well be worth the 100 mile drive next spring. Called Eberts Greenhouse Village, it was amazing. Acres and acres of plant displays, greenhouses and landscape examples.

Ixonia is just far east enough that when we turned on the GPS to route us home it was sort of a toss up whether to go east to the interstate or west back to Hwy 26. Instead of following blindly, we decided to try to take some interesting back roads, and eventually realized that we would be skirting the Horicon Marsh, and could cut back to Hwy 151 on Hwy 49. We hadn't taken that route for many years, and it brought back memories of times we sat on a hillside with newborn Jed, watching the geese and the beautiful landscape.

Once through the lane of memories, we beat it for home, and noticed that there was a line of thunderheads moving from west to east about as far north as I imagined our house would be. Everywhere else was clear. Wouldn't it be funny, I thought, if the only place in the state it rained was right over our house? Ha, Ha.

We drove about 45 minutes, getting to the exit for home without a drop falling. But it did become clearer and clearer that the clouds were, indeed, just about over our house. As we pulled off on Hwy 00 a few drops fell on the car. By the time we got to the traffic light at Bluemond it was starting to really rain. And three blocks later, as we pulled into the driveway it was pouring so hard we couldn't believe it. Hail, and over half an inch in about 15 minutes.

Near as I can tell, there wasn't another rainstorm around except for that one.

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