Monday, June 8, 2009

Another Major Cold Rain

001 This year has just not really warmed up yet.  And we have had two periods of dry weather, lasting too long, and then two periods of cold rain, excessive rain.  Today is the third day of rainy weather, with temps failing to get out of the 50's.  So far the gauge near the pond says 2 1/2 inches.  Out at the compost, the older gauge says only 2 inches.  either way, that's a good rain.  The weeds are growing well, but so are all of the newly planted annuals.  I finished planting everything late last week, so now it is all about hoping that it matures nicely. 

The Cannas are coming slowly, but there  are new shoots every couple of days.  I think they will survive a002t least, and I hope they become dramatic as usual.  This year I didn't plant them inside and get the growing before transplanting outside.  It is scary, given that each plant of the beautiful orange striped variety I have cost about $20 if I had to replace them.  Now, I only bought one.  And now I must have 10 or 15 of them.  But still, I would hate to go backwards.  The ti ny shoots are poking up from the planter south of the deck, and from the bed below there are shoots of my older, larger, red flowered green leaved variety.  We put the extra rhizomes in a couple of places around the yard, and if any of them survive I will be thrilled.  But the ones around the deck I am counting upon.

pond 002There is one water lily flower that has been blooming for almost a week, and at least three more that I can see just below the surface.  The tadpoles have slowed down, it is just too cold!  Everything that was in full glory last Friday is now sort of drooping, because the rain has weighed it down.  The Bridal Wreath will likely not come back to fu ll beauty 'til next spring.  The alliums are all hanging down to the ground.  The Iris's are blooming, but wet and hard to see.

But all in all, the rain is, as usual, good.  We did need to get everything firmed into its place

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