Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Early June

June 09 018It is interesting that no matter what the weather has been like, warm, cool, dry, wet, certain June 09 010plants just always arrive at the same place at the same time.  Irises bloom in the first few days of June, maybe half a week variation.  The Bridal Wreath Spirea always comes into full bloom in June.  A little sign of blossoms opening in late May, but full glory on June 1st.  There are so many things in glorious bloom now it is hard to spotlight anything.  And I'm out in the garden so much I don't have much time to write in the blog.  But that's OK. 


June 09 011This is the time of year when Bill's insistence on keeping the Columbine is hard to refute.  I know June 09 009that in a couple of weeks I will want to remove them, and I will cut them back to the ground.  But this year they are quite lovely, and I must be sure that some survive.  The alliums are in full bloom, but once the blooms start the leaves begin to yellow, and they are so large that they detract from the surroundings.  I spent some time today cutting them back and leaving the flower stalks, which may mean that they don't do as well next year, but I can live with that. 


June 09 008The newly expanded pond is doing very well.  The water lily has taken over almost the entire surface and the first bloom is at the surface and ready to open.  The Bufo americanus (American toads) that mated earlier and June 09 013laid eggs everywhere have disappeared, but here are thousands of tadpoles swimming purposefully here and there everywhere.  Side plantings are doing well also, and I think it will be nice all year. 

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