Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Spring seems to Really be Here!

Lots of new things growing and blooming in the last week or so. We’ve gotten most of the mulch spread out and off the driveway.  Bill did a whole bunch of edging yesterday.  I've been planting and moving perennials.  Also planted lettuce, radishes, potato sets, broccoli and cabbage plants in the veggie garden.  Working to weed out tree and shrub seedlings constantly.  Here are some photos of recent blooms.  I'll post some wider views soon, but today we're getting dumped on with rain.

Trilium next to the creek.  Hope it doesn't get flooded out
Tons of Trout Lilies
Magnolia struggling to bloom

Darwin Tulips in many places
Of course the violets are all over the lawn

Monarda that died back 2 years ago is back with a vengence
And Pulmanaria is everywhere too

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