Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Today’s Beauty

Bill LOVES Columbines.  I let him have them in
the spring, but cut them back after they bloom

This Pulmanaria is prettier than the ones that grow
everywhere and spread aggressively.  This one I have
to protect.

Grape Hyacinths looking lovely this year

I love the beautiful Ajuga in the spring and all
year long it's a lovely groundcover

One of the pretty Alpine Clematis plants on
the gazebo

Early white Iris that I divided and transplanted
two years ago.  The ones I did last year aren't
blooming as well, but they will come

Bergenia looking pretty among the Heucheras

I've seen a Monarch in the yard already, but the
milkweeds are just poking up.  But I am finding
lots of them of three kinds popping up

Creek was up to the top of its banks today after
yesterday's 1 3/4 inches of rain

Dogwood near the compost bins is the first to bloom

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