Monday, April 7, 2008

Another Long Day of Spring Cleanup

The entire weekend was perfect for spring cleanup work, so we continued with another full day. The stack of brush is growing in the garden, and we will have to get a burning permit soon in order to dispose of it. Raking was not easy in all areas, because it is still a bit too wet, but we were able to clean up the worst places. Rain expected next week will help. A day or two of warm rain will bring the greening.

We pulled the hose through the underground tunnel out to the gazebo - ready to water the early plantings once they are in. Also planted trays of cannas and elephant ears and put them in the greenhouse. I hope it stays warm enough for them. If not, we'll have to bring them in to keep them alive. We did put the fish out into the newly cleaned pond and they seem to be pleased at having more space and oxygen. The aquarium downstairs was getting pretty horrible.

Very early spring flowers that are often missed and rarely appreciated are the male catkins on the birch trees. They emerge almost un-noticably, but the trees suddenly seem to have more volume and block the light more . They will expand and eventually release pollen. The female flowers will come later as the leaf buds expand and open, catching the pollen as it is released.

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