Saturday, April 12, 2008

Light at the End of the Tunnel?

A whole week has gone by and it has been cold and back to "early spring" weather. Snow has fallen several times, and cold rain on most of the other days. But the creek never really rose into the yard, and even the secondary channel wasn't too terrible. They say that the temps will be rising and it will be dry for the next week. That should REALLY bring the green. Even with the cold, the shoots of grass are beginning to poke through the old dead layer. Not the dramatic green that I love, but enough so that the real transformation will occur very quickly once the days warm up.

Either the fish have been hiding beneath the water lily or something has captured and eaten them. Haven't seen any for the whole week.

Today we drove out to make a bid on an old card catalog at a small library 35 miles west. It was snowing, but the roads weren't slippery, and grey but pretty. Then we took some back roads to my sister's house to wish her a happy birthday. On the way we say a huge flock of swans in a field. I've heard that they stop there or near there every year on their migration from southern US to northern Canada. Haven't seen them there before. A couple miles further down the road brought a huge rafter of wild turkeys in another field. And then, a bit later, a domestic herd of buffalo. Add those to the usual Canada geese, gulls, crows, numerous hawks hunting from trees, guys fishing in the flooded Wolf River, and we had quite the viewing day.

Once home, Bill made some repairs to the low voltage lighting fixture out by the willow, we replaced the windshield wipers on my car, and then did a short walk around the cold wet yard. This photo is from the culvert above the creek near Sunnyview Road. I've take a photo from this place many times over the period that we've lived here and it amazes me how much things have changed. One of these days I'll try to find an historic series of them for the blog.

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