Friday, April 11, 2008

More Wet and Cold, with Better Times in Sight

The rhubarb is coming up, and I am anticipating the first taste of freshly made sauce soon. It's so dependable and hardy that we have no fear of cutting the earliest leaf stalks to taste the spring freshness. And the snowdrops have finally made their appearance. Usually the first flower, this year I had to watch and wait. I think it had something to do with the huge snowpile that covered them.

Two days ago, the cold rain started, and we had an inch of snow overnight. It is strange on the deck with the patio furniture already out. No way I'm going to shovel it.

This morning I got out early to take a shot of the water level in the creek. It was high, and I feared it would be much higher by tonight when I got home. But it really didn't change much here. The news report on as I write this is saying the rain/snow will continue though, so I can't relax yet. This is the closest to flooding that I've seen in quite a few years, though the first few years we lived here were much much worse. We'll hope for the best, and be thankful that the water tables are being replentished.

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