Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Cannas Grow while Iris and Clematis Struggle

The cannas went back out to the deck today, and also a couple of pots of geraniums. I sheltered the geraniums under the patio table because the new shoots were very tender. The cannas hadn't gotten far yet, so they can take the direct light.

We're expecting rain again for the next several days, though it will be a warm rain. The creek is back down to reasonable levels so we can probably take a couple of inches without terrible flooding But I'll have to watch the trays of cannas, which don't have drainage holes. Cannas in the wild thrive in boggy conditions, so they will be ok, but I don't want them to float away.

I still can't see any sign of growth from any of the clematis vines, and it feels very late for that. Every time I walk around the yard I find one or two or more abandoned vole nests dug into clumps of plants. They completely chewed down last years growth on the siberian iris clumps. That is probably a good thing, those can get totally out of hand and impossible to deal with.

Nice to see a tiny pansy peeking out between the stepping stones near the pond. Always hope that one or two make it through the winter, and this year this one looks strong and is growing in a good place. I can leave it right where it is and it will probably be beautiful for the next couple of months.

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