Thursday, May 1, 2008

The Spring Hunting and Buying Season Begins

The buds on the trees are starting to open, and this is the time when we see a million shades of green. Even now, at 7:40 PM as I write looking outside at the dying light, I can see so much life.

On the way home from the WAPL Conference in Stevens Point, I got a chance to stop at one of my favorite garden centers. I don't even know the name, but it is about a half mile west of the conference site. Some way, almost every spring, I find a way to drive through there and shop. They have so many unique specimens. Today I found a new Clematis that I've never seen before, called 'Blue Light'. It is supposedly hardy to zone 4, so I hope it will work on the east side of the house on the new arbor. Also found a 'Blue Bahama' Passiflora, sold as "Passion Flower". We had a very persistant passion flower vine on the south side of our house on Green Bay Road - one of Gaga's favorites. I'm not crazy about the Christian symbolism this plant is burdened with, but it is a beautiful, complex, unusual flower and I connect with it because of the part it played in my childhood.

Also found a new Thyme plant and a new Sage plant. For some reason that I don't really get yet, these two herbs that I've had forever didn't make it through this winter that should have been easy for them under all that snow. A new Rosemary rounds out todays perennial and herb purchases.

It seems too early to pick up the tender annuals, but I may not get back to that greenhouse again this season. They have the best selection of hybrid Sun Coleus around, so I picked up a few of those as well. And also a nice starter pot of just sprouted Basil. The Coleus and the Basil will remain in the house for awhile, but the rest went out to the temporary greenhouse.

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