Thursday, May 29, 2008

Frost Damage Shows Itself

The frost damage is revealing itself all over the yard. Boy, that was really a hard one. The astilbe is done for the year most likely. The leaves will be ok, and it will come back next year, but the flowers will not appear this year. My very favorite hosta, the one that I bought last year at the Gardens of the Fox Cities sale and paid more than I thought I should for, had about 10 leaves killed off. I think it will recover, and I hope it will be the dramatic focal point I want it to be. But this is a setback. I am amazed how hard the joe-pye weed took it - tips of most of the shoots are blackend and weeping. It will interesting to see how it adapts. I hope it won't become a bushy short plant instead of the tall drama queen it is usually. Everywhere I look, something has taken a hit. All of the alliums were drooping yesterday, but they seem to have recovered. The hydrangeas each have nipped leaves. There are several oriental lilies that seem wilted and unhappy. The only way to avoid this would be to plant only extremely hardy plants. And that would be boring. So, I'll do the best with what is here, replace the things that can't hang on, and hope for better years.

The rain is still not here, but all signs seem to say it will come. In fact the predictions are for more than they said yesterday. Lin says she heard up to 2 inches. I've seen 1 predicted. We could use 3 or 4 without any problems, so I'll take whatever comes.

The Orioles were all around the yard again today, I saw them two or three times and heard them almost constantly.

Blooming now for the first time this week: Bachelor's Buttons, Allium, wild Geraniums, absolutely beautiful Dogwoods, Lamium, Lily of the Valley, Columbine, . Buds swelling on the iris and the peonies. Flower stalks coming on the Statice and the lambs ears. Asparagus is providing a meal every three or four days. Rhubarb is still young and sweet.

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