Friday, May 2, 2008

Foggy Early Spring Evening

016Went out tonight just before dark, really not realizing how close the nighttime was.  Took a bunch of photos because the light was so beautiful.  It was foggy and still, having rained about a half an inch today, with more on the way.  Here is one of the pictures I took. 


There are many things going on this week.  Things are really starting to grow.  But it does seem quite uneven.  The primroses are up and beginning to bloom.  The wild ginger is just beginning to sprout.  Still can't see the butterfly weed or even the joe-pye weed or the latris.  Spring Beauties are starting.  The buds on the Magnolia are swelling and turning color, and the apple trees will have many flowers this year.  Hostas are just beginning to sprout, but astilbes are up 3 or 4 inches.  Can't find many Jack in the pulpits yet, but the trilium near the sump pump effluent is almost in bloom.  Most of the pasque flowers are blooming now, and the yellow darwin tulips are opening.  Daffodils are almost done, tulips are just beginning.   Spotted the Rue Anenome today, it seemed to sprout up overnight.  Prairie Smoke is beginning it's humble show. 

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