Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Frost did come

The frost last night was significant. Even though we covered everything up on the deck and put plastic pails over the cannas that were out around the gazebo, I fear we have lost many of them. Some will be fine, others will just be set back a bit. I do worry about the cannas, and it will be hard to tell for a day or two how much real damage they sustained. Miraculously, the impatiens up on the front porch seem just fine. And the Rex begonias also look as though they came through ok. Would have been a shame to have lost them after bringing them through the winter in the basement under lights.

Saw a beautiful little warbler in the brush along the creek yesterday. My best attempt at identification makes it a Yellow warbler, perhaps a Pine warbler. And nearby a small wren scolded. Lin says the oreoles have been around for a couple of weeks, and we hope they are nesting nearby. I saw the male the other day, singing out from on top of the willow tree, then sweeping down to Lin's grape jelly feeder in a streak of bright orange.

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